Guiding Light Family Services
“Owning Your Path To Brightness”
Our Services
Mental Health Skill Building
Mental health skill-building services are designed to provide training and support that empowers and enables individuals with significant psychiatric and psychological deficits the necessary skills to achieve and maintain stability and independence within the community.…
The purpose of our mentoring program is to improve self-esteem, social competence, and avoidance of problem/high-risk behavior for youth ages 5 - 18 years old by providing a relationship with a caring adult mentor who works to help youth achieve their potential…
Intensive In-Home
The purpose of our home-based program is to provide comprehensive services to at-risk children, adolescents, and families…
Crisis Stabilization
The purpose of our Community-Based Crisis Stabilization program is to provide direct Mental Health care to adult and adolescent non-hospitalized individuals experiencing an acute psychiatric crisis that may jeopardize their current community living situations….